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The Education Collection

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The Education Collection includes the following titles:

Play Again - imagePlay Again

What are the consequences of a childhood removed from nature? Six screen-addicted teens take their first wilderness adventure.

Bullfrog Films | 2010 | 80 minutes | 6-12, College, Adult
The Intolerable Burden - imageThe Intolerable Burden

One black family's commitment to a quality education, from the pre-1965 time of segregation, through desegregation, and through the recent period of resegregation. **Winner, John E. O'Connor Film Award, American Historical Association**

Icarus Films | 2003 | 56 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult
Early Life - The Mayor's Dream - imageEarly Life - The Mayor's Dream

The Mayor's dream is simple: a better world because every child gets a better start.

Bullfrog Films | 2009 | 25 minutes | 9-12, College, Adult
The Paper - imageThe Paper

A year in the life of one of the country's biggest college newspapers, Penn State's The Daily Collegian, as it struggles with declining circulation and difficult choices about how to represent its diverse readership.

Icarus Films | 2007 | 78 minutes | 9-12, College, Adult

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