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The Docuseek Essential Collection

The Docuseek2 Essential Collection includes the most recent and most popular titles made available for streaming on Docuseek2 from our distributors. It is capped at 800 titles. The collection is updated at the beginning of each year to make room for new titles as they are added to Docuseek. For the most comprehensive set of films, see The Docuseek2 Complete Collection.

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The Docuseek Essential Collection includes the following titles:

Scars of Memory - imageScars of Memory

An oral history of the 1932 massacre of 10,000 El Salvadorans, a trauma that has resonated through six decades of military rule, until the 1992 peace accords ended a brutal, 12-year civil war.

Icarus Films | 2002 | 53 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
School of Babel - imageSchool of Babel

Welcome to one Parisian school's program for newly arrived immigrant children from all over the world.

Icarus Films | 2013 | 89 minutes
School's Out - imageSchool's Out

A year in the life of a forest kindergarten in Switzerland where being outdoors and unstructured play are the main components.

Bullfrog Films | 2014 | 36 minutes | K-12, College, Adults
Searching For Gerda Taro - imageSearching For Gerda Taro

Celebrates the life and work of Gerda Taro — a charismatic Jewish refugee from Germany, an anti-fascist, and a trailblazing photographer whose work would be forgotten for decades.

Icarus Films | 2021 | 58 minutes
Seats At The Table - imageSeats At The Table

Portrays a remarkable college class which connects university students with incarcerated students discussing Russian literature at a maximum security juvenile facility.

Bullfrog Films | 2020 | 87 minutes
Secrecy - imageSecrecy

A brilliant visual essay about the costs, benefits and history of the vast, invisible world of government secrecy.

Bullfrog Films | 2008 | 80 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Secret Museums - imageSecret Museums

For millenia erotic art has been created, often by some of the world's best-known artists. But it is rarely on public display.

Icarus Films | 2008 | 77 minutes | College, Adult
Secrets of Silicon Valley - imageSecrets of Silicon Valley

Shocking expose of the hidden downsides of the Internet revolution.

Bullfrog Films | 2001 | 60 minutes | Grades 9-12, College, Adult
Seed Battles - imageSeed Battles

Deep inside a mountain in snow-covered Spitsbergen is the Global Seed Vault, an attempt to collect and preserve seeds of all food crops in the world. But to whom do the seeds belong?

Icarus Films | 2014 | 50 minutes
Seeds of Hunger - imageSeeds of Hunger

A global investigation into the evolving nature of food production, and the crisis it may portend.

Icarus Films | 2008 | 52 minutes | 8-12, College, Adult

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