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Browse Films

Showing 1 - 10 of 252 titles with a criteria of Subject is Education

After the Rape 

After Mukhtar Mai, a rural Pakistani woman, was gang-raped by order of her tribal council as punishment for her younger brother’s alleged relationship with a woman from another clan, she speaks out, fights for justice in the Pakistani courts, starts two schools for girls in her village and a crisis center for abused women.

Women Make Movies | 2008 | 58 minutes

Album for the Youth

Pedro & Sol, fresh out of high school, embrace their passions: Sol revisits music, and Pedro secretly dives into writing. Unbeknownst, they mature.

Pragda Films | 2021 | 82 minutes

Alice Júnior

Alice Júnior is a celebration of rebellious youth that offers the potential for future generations to rethink outdated perspectives of gender, sexuality, and differences as a whole.

Pragda Films | 2019 | 87 minutes

All That I Am

The story of an extraordinarily courageous young woman on a path to recovery

GOOD DOCS | 2020 | 75 minutes

The Andean Screen

A teacher leads a mobile film crew to the most isolated school in the Jujuy Andes, Argentina. A look into a paradigm shift led by the region's women.

Pragda Films | 2021 | 49 minutes

Andrés Reads and Writes

Andrés Centeno, a young factory worker, realizes that although he has lost its way and forgotten his teenage dreams, it’s still not to late.

Pragda Films | 2016 | 96 minutes

Another Word For Learning

When Aisha decides to quit school, her mother, troubled by her own colonial education, sees this as an opportunity for them both to reconnect with their Kwakwaka'wakw culture.

GOOD DOCS | 2019 | 72 minutes

The Apostate

An existential comedy about a young man in the increasingly quixotic quest of formally having his name struck from the Catholic church’s baptismal record.

Pragda Films | 2014 | 80 minutes

Arid Zone

Brazilian director Fernanda Pessoa was 15 years old and experienced being a foreign exchange student for one year in conservative Mesa, AR. Now she’s back to try to understand her experience.

Pragda Films | 2019 | 76 minutes

The Backward Class

Filmmaker Madeleine Grant documents the first dalit caste students as they attempt to take the Indian School Certificate exams to enter university.

Collective Eye Films | 2014 | 91 minutes